Limiting the Internet while keeping the network at full speed

Started by Johnny

I was wondering if it is possible to control bandwidth allocation only for internet side while keeping the local network data at full speed? I have two interfaces one connected directly to the modem/router & the other one two the Ethernet switch where my users a connected.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Limiting the Internet while keeping the network at full speed   24 July 2013, 19:20

Of course. The easiest way is to turn on this option in the global settings.

SoftPerfect support forum

How to decrease torrent download rates if they exceed certain limit   25 July 2013, 09:08

Thanks a lot it solved my problem! I really appreciate your help mate ok, yes, thumb up laugh
I have another inquiry though, I'm wondering if its possible to decrease torrent downloading rates if they exceed certain limits?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to decrease torrent download rates if they exceed certain limit   25 July 2013, 09:15

Yes, it's possible. What are your certain limits?

Re: How to decrease torrent download rates if they exceed certain limit   25 July 2013, 19:54

i was hoping to keep them at bay at 50KB each user when downloading, the allocation i provided for each is 100KB download & 20 KB upload. Some users just dont understand how my network works, most of the times they consumed all thier DL rates affecting thier browsing experience for thier torrent is eating up thier assigned bandwidth. just hoping to keep things balance for them.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to decrease torrent download rates if they exceed certain limit   25 July 2013, 20:53

The easiest way to discourage long downloads would be to use the penalties as shown below.

You may want to set the large transfers penalty to 1 MB and 50%.

As the result, as soon as any TCP connection transfers more than 1 MB, it will be slowed down to 50% of the rule's rate limit.

This applies both to Torrent downloads and watching on-line videos, or any other heavy usage.

SoftPerfect support forum

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