Rule for blocking YouTube traffic on my localhost PC

Started by suberri


Rule for blocking YouTube traffic on my localhost PC   14 February 2014, 04:50

Hi There,

Just downloaded the Bandwidth Manager trial version on my win 8 PC. The product looks very interesting and I am trying to see if it will meet our needs.

Could you please help me setup the rules for the following two configuration:

1. Rule 1 - block all YouTube streaming traffic ( only the streaming not other traffic). Could I use the DPI field to do that?
2. Rule 2 - Block all YouTube traffic.

Thank you
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Rule for blocking YouTube traffic   14 February 2014, 09:15

Unfortunately there isn't really a way to allow browsing YouTube while streaming is blocked.

However, you can block YouTube completely in two ways.

Method 1

In the global settings only allow DPI matching for YouTube

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Then in the rule's advanced settings enable the Streaming category

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Overall your rule could look like this

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Method 2

Simply ban YouTube by its domain name as shown below

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The effect is slightly different. Method 1 will abort a connection as soon as it detects YouTube. Method 2 will not allow a connection to be made.

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Re: Rule for block YouTube traffic on my localhost PC   14 February 2014, 11:16


Thank you for your quick response.

Here is what not clear to me. If I block all traffic from all Interfaces/Protocols/Ports and also check the DPI - Streaming checkbox.

Would the BM block only the Streaming traffic or all traffic?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Rule for block YouTube traffic on my localhost PC   14 February 2014, 11:38

It will only block streaming traffic, and possibly streaming web-sites (the services that are selected in the global settings).

However to reduce the amount of traffic analysed by the DPI filter, I recommend to limit it to IPv4/IPv6 TCP and UDP traffic.

Re: Rule for block YouTube traffic on my localhost PC   14 February 2014, 11:39

Thank you.

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