Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users

Started by ronny

Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   20 May 2016, 21:24

Hi Andrew,

If at all possible, would you be able to add the following features to the Quota Booster?

- Predefined Quota Amount
Similar to the Quota options, whereby we can add predefined Boosters, by giving it a Description, Data value and expiry. So in the quota booster option under the rule, we are presented with the predefined boosters in the form of a drop down box, also having a option for 'custom' where where can enter our own value.

Also I would like to see an option where we can specify a time window for the Boosters to expire. For example "End of Current Month", "End of next Month", "in XX days from load date".

- Boosters for users
Similar to the way the usage tracker works, is accessed via a different URL for example SERVER-ADDRESS/booster. In that screen the user logins in with their rule details just like the usage tracker, and is presented with a list of the predefined boosters (as above) only, no custom value option. Also an option would need to be added to the Predefined Quota menu to allow the system to email the administrator once a user has loaded a Quota. Preferably a separate email address with it's own message layout, that the user does not see.
Giving the Administrator details like the Rule Name, Time & Date of when the booster was loaded, How much data was loaded.

I hope that makes sense?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   20 May 2016, 21:47

This sounds interesting, but it requires significant redesign of how BM is implemented. We may be able to add something like this at a later stage long with Captive Portable functionality. Thanks for the suggestion!

Re: Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   20 May 2016, 23:50

Thanks Andrew,

Would you be able to quote me on customisations to the current BWM? A few things like the modifications to the Quota Booster, I am willing to pay for.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   21 May 2016, 12:18

The above changes aren't trivial, and I am afraid it is a matter of dedicating extra time, which we don't have much of at the moment. Sorry about that.

Re: Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   27 February 2017, 05:09

Just bumping this thread.
Hoping these features can be added soon laugh

Re: Feature Request: Predefined quota amount and Quota boosters for users   18 January 2018, 06:51

Happy new year everyone wink

Just bumping this thread again, hoping to see these features added in 2018. Andrew and Team, it would be great if you could design an ISP type software package very similar to the BWM software, but with features aimed at the ISP market.

Keep up the great work!

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