LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly

Started by pjred

LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   13 December 2016, 13:28


I'm getting network freezes over LAN when transferring files or watching media from server running Bandwidth Manager. This happens at recurring intervals every 10 minutes exactly for a few seconds. Happening with latest version of BWM, but was also happening with last 2 versions as well. If I stop service and attach server to network like any other PC the problem goes away.

My setup is Win 10 64bit with latest build (but was also happening with the last couple of builds as well). BWM is running with bridging adapters setup. I've tried building another server and excatly the same thing happens. I also know of someone else having exactly the same issue and the only thing in common apart from Win 10 is BWM. The first freeze can happen anytime within 10 minutes, but then each subsequent freeze is exactly 10 mins from first.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   13 December 2016, 20:58

As far as I can tell there aren't any internal activities in BM that would run at 10 minute intervals, but I'd like to see your complete ruleset.

Could you perhaps export your configuration to a .DB file, compress it to ZIP and send to me through this form?

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   13 December 2016, 21:44

Hi I attached the requested db file via the form.

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   14 December 2016, 05:53

This problem seemed to have started with Win 10 too.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   15 December 2016, 14:50

Thank you, we have received it and will try to reproduce the issue next week. I will let you know how it goes.

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   13 March 2018, 08:40

I am having exactly the same issue. Tried complete reinstall on different PC and still the same.
Has this been resolved with the latest version? I'm using 3.2.3. Can't try 3.2.5 as licence has expired.

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   13 March 2018, 09:32

@Karnage: I don't have the freezing problem, just wanted to tell you that you can try the latest version even if your licence expired. SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager has free fully featured 30 day trial, so you can give it a good test for a month absolutely for free.

The most important thing here is that you should make sure you have the installation files for the old version for which you have the licence and the licence key itself. Keep them all safely. Then, if after trying the new version you want to go back, simply uninstall it, install the old version and enter your licence key. Alternatively, if you have is option, you can try the new version on another machine, without touching your old licensed version.

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   02 September 2018, 03:03

My Bandwidth manager started 3 weeks ago doing a similar thing. Every couple of days it will stop passing any LAN traffic. Here is what I have observed:

1. On the computer it is running on, all internal traffic stops but I can still go out to Internet from it. One way stop of traffic only.

2. Restarting the software does nothing.

3. Rebooting the system fixes the issue and return the LAN traffic to normal (until it happens again).

4. Observed a couple of time where the LAN stopped, then somehow it caught itself and started to work again. (5 to 10 minutes stop of traffic).

5. Installed a brand new 5 GHz server to see if that might help (see prior post from me on what CPU speed to use). This did NOT fix the issue.

6. Could it be a windows 10 "fix" or upgrade that made changes to the core package that is installed with BWM program? (Long shot wink)

If you need my rule set, it is currently 90 Mb big.

Appreciate your help as always.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   03 September 2018, 13:48

Unfortunately there isn't much known about this issue. As we have a number of customers running their BM instances 24/7 with zero issues, there seems to be an external reason that only affects a few users, most likely connected to network card drivers.

Just a couple of questions to narrow it down:
  • When you say restarting the software does nothing: did you restart the actual Bandwidth Manager service (BMService) or just the management console?
  • How do you route the traffic between LAN and WAN network cards? ICS? Internal bridging?

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   04 September 2018, 11:31

Hi Andrew,

Just re-starting the software, not stopping and starting the services. (Will try that next if it happens again).
I use your BWmanager software for the bridging. So far so good for 3 days now.

Thanks for the help.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN freezes every 10 minutes exactly   04 September 2018, 19:20

Yes, try doing these two commands in admin command prompt if the problem occurs again:
net stop BMService
net start BMService
If this helps, the easiest thing is probably setup a watchdog script that tests network reachability and restarts the service should something go wrong.

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