Internet usage control for a small office network

Started by omid

Hi everyone
I want to setup a network for a small office. I have ADSL modem + windows server + wireless router.

I connected ADSL modem to the server with LAN (Internet) and connected the router to the other Ethernet card (LAN), and all other PC connect to this router over WiFi. I share the Internet for LAN clients with Internet Connection Sharing (right click on Internet and share it).

Now I install Bandwidth Manager on the server and I want to write a rule to control Internet quota of our clients based on their IP.

Please help me help step by step with how I can do that. Thanks in advance
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Re: Internet usage control for a small office network   26 April 2018, 09:42

You just need to create a quota and one or more rules. For simplicity it's better to start with a so-called tracking rule, which will automatically detect IP addresses of clients.

Quota example

First go to Tools - Quotas - New and enter:
Initial rate: unlimited
Reduced rate: blocked
Transfer limit: 100 MB in a day

Rule example

Then create a rule via Rules - Add New Rule:
Protocol: Any IPv4 based
Network interface: LAN (facing the router and the rest of the network)
Source: enter your LAN IP address range, e.g. -
Destination: Any
Advanced: Tracking Mode: IP address: own limit and quota for each source

That's pretty much it. Once the software starts processing data, you will see individual IP usage on the main screen.

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