Separate installer of bandwidth control service

Started by aladdin

Separate installer of bandwidth control service   26 September 2018, 22:57

Dear Sir,

I am testing this program on network computers which are more than 30. I gave people the program to install only Bandwidth control service but they installed management console too. It's not possible to visit every network PC as the distance is long enough to reach out to every computer.

So I need a separate installer of bandwidth control service so as to give them easily. Silent installer may be good.

Please provide me the same ASAP
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Need separate installer of Bandwidth control service   27 September 2018, 08:55

We don't have a separate installer for the bandwidth control service.

You can however use silent installation by launching the regular installer as:
bandwidth_manager_setup.exe /COMPONENTS="svc" /SILENT

Re: Need separate installer of Bandwidth control service   27 September 2018, 11:50

Why is /NOICONS function not working? The start menu shortcut is still being created after having used this command. I don't want to create shortcut over there. Please assist.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate installer of bandwidth control service   28 September 2018, 14:48

The /NOICONS InnoSetup parameter only works if the AllowNoIcons directive was set to "yes", while in our package it's set to "no".

Use this special build (file bandwidth_manager_setup.exe), it will work as you require.

Re: Separate installer of bandwidth control service   28 September 2018, 15:17

What will be the solution if network people uninstall bandwidth control service intentionally?

If bandwidth control service is installed from package version 3.2.7 on network computers and management console is installed from package version 3.2.5 on workstation then will it work fine?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate installer of bandwidth control service   28 September 2018, 19:12

Revoke their administrative privileges on those computers. If they use admin accounts, they can do anything, whether you want them or not.

The version of control Bandwidth Control Service and Management Console has to match. Otherwise it will refuse to connect and will report version mismatch.

Re: Separate installer of bandwidth control service   04 October 2018, 04:26

If you don't mind I would like to see the innosetup installation script (.iss) file for knowledge base for my own program compilation. I'll be thankful for this.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Separate installer of bandwidth control service   04 October 2018, 11:18

You can extract an InnoSetup script from any program using the Innounp tool. It will extract individual files as well.

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