Usage web-access: nothing is shown

Started by IT-Security Administrator

IT-Security Administrator

Usage web-access: nothing is shown   26 November 2018, 14:18

In Bandwidth Manager, our users can see their Internet usage in the application, but the web report does not appear for them - the web page is empty. Why?
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Re: Usage web-access: nothing is shown   26 November 2018, 14:27

Did you pass the correct rule name as a user name (and password, if required) when opening the web-report page?

Also, if that rule uses tracking per IP address or MAC address, the usage will only be shown when requested by the corresponding address.
For example, if it is a tracking rule and has two streams — and, then:
  • if opens this page and supplies the rule name, they will see their own usage;
  • if opens this page and supplies the rule name, they will see their own usage;
  • if any other address requests the usage page, nothing will be shown.

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