Show host names for IP addresses

Started by Andrea


Show host names for IP addresses   28 November 2018, 04:04

When I enable the rate limit and quota for each source I can see the IP and the throughput.
The IP address is displayed in the "Source" column. Is it possible to see the hostname as well?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Show host names for IP addresses   28 November 2018, 05:11

The current version of Bandwidth Manager does not display host names next to IP addresses. The main reasons for that were:
  1. Not all devices have a host name, and thus retrieving it would require a separate task to reverse-resolve each IP address.
  2. IP addresses are dynamic in their nature: a device with IP address X.X.X.X may map to one host name today, and a different device tomorrow. The correct mapping would require the process (1) to be repeated every N hours.

That said, it is a useful feature and we could implement it in the next release.

Re: Show host names for IP addresses   29 November 2018, 08:58

That would be great!

For example: we could leave a column for the IP as is, and add an optional hostname column for the addresses that can be resolved.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Show host names for IP addresses - New feature added   03 December 2018, 12:13

We have added host name information to the source or destination column (whichever is used in tracking). It may take a couple of minutes from the moment the service starts to resolve the names.

SoftPerfect support forum

You can download the new version from Bandwidth Manager product page.

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