Quota time customization

Started by Mark


Quota time customization   07 June 2021, 11:07

We are using Bandwidth Manager in a medium-sized company environment.
I wanted to ask, can we customize the time in the Add/Edit Quota window? I mean the Quota condition drop-down list where it has these items: Within 5 minutes, Within 1 hour, Within a day, Within a week, Within a month, Indefinitely. Can we set something like "from" or "before" time?
I really appreciate your help.
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Re: Quota time customization   07 June 2021, 11:23

There is some flexibility for minute and hourly quotas. On the Advanced tab of the Add/Edit Quota window the periods can be changed to e.g. 7 hours or 30 minutes. Otherwise the periods are set and can't be varied.

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