Synced usage resets itself

Started by ipaine


Synced usage resets itself   05 January 2013, 13:22

The issue I am having is getting the correct stats to be synced over 2 machines on my network. One is my desktop (wired) and the other is a notebook (wireless). I have set both up to sync and when I look at it on the notebook everything appears to be working fine. It records the notebook usage and my desktop usage without any apparent issues.

Now on my desktop it again records the desktop usage perfectly fine but the notebook usage is what gets weird. At first I thought it just wasn't recording it at all but now I have noticed that it seems to move very slowly up to about 25-40KB and then it just resets itself back to 0. Also that little bit that does appear never gets added to the overall total. It only shows under the general tab in the usage report for today. It appears that it also seems to continue that same loop of slowly getting to 25-40KB and reset even if the other machine is closed and sleeping. To add to the weirdness of this, it did appear to be working properly the first night I set it up as I tested it and it went up to 134MB without issue but since then it just doesn't want to work right.

I am really not sure what is going on as I have compared the firewall rules and all program settings and they are the same on both machines.

So anyone have any ideas on why this would be doing this? Thanks

Synced usage resets itself   05 January 2013, 13:27

I completely forgot to mention that I am using version 5.2.7 32bit on the notebook and 5.2.7 64bit on the desktop.

Synced usage resets itself   06 January 2013, 04:03

Did you set up as follows?:
desktop - sync broadcast address or the laptop address e.g. (whatever it is).
desktop - sync computer with IP addresses = to the laptop address e.g. (whatever it is).

laptop - sync broadcast address or the desktop address e.g. (whatever it is).
laptop - sync computer with IP addresses = to the desktop address e.g. (whatever it is).

The above should
SEND totals via the sync broadcast address to anything capable of READing them.
READ totals via the sync computer with IP addresses in the list that are SENDing them.

You can use to SEND to ANY IP address or specify a single specific address.

You should see totals for both on each PC.

Synced usage resets itself   06 January 2013, 04:39

I'm pretty sure I have it set like that on both but will double check.

One thing that I do find strange is that it appears that at some point over last night it decided to sync. It finally has stats from the laptop for the last week. Not sure why, unless I'm troubleshooting in my sleep. So I am somewhat hopeful but will keep my eye on it to make sure that it is working.

Thanks for the quick reply.

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