The installed NW monitors my router using SNMP.
One Portable NW monitors my D-Link wireless adapter.
One Portable NW monitors "Ignore local traffic within the LAN: Microsoft"
I ran a test for 3 hours.
During the first two hours I had not yet connected to the Internet.
The Portable monitoring the D-Link showed a continuous low volume traffic totaling about 6MB/hour.
The other two recorded zero traffic which is correct.
I connected to the Internet and the router immediately reported WAN traffic with the ISP that originates from and terminates at the router and is not 'seen' by the PC and therefore not by NW = 4,957KB.
I checked e-mail and browsed for the last (3rd) hour then recorded totals.
I calculated the net traffic logging into the router itself = (final – initial ISP traffic) = 3,893KB
The installed NW monitoring the router reported traffic = 3,891.73KB essentially equal to router
The portable NW monitoring "Ignore local traffic...... = 3,871.35KB, lower by 20KB, = about 0.51%
The router tracks in bytes but reports/displays in KB only so it's rounding totals for the display whereas NW is reporting in bytes converted to KB with 2 decimal places and is therefore more 'accurate' than the router.
The portable monitoring the wireless adapter ended up with very strange results.
The router itself reported 39,805KB for Wireless (not WAN) for 3 hours.
The portable NW reported net D-Link wireless traffic = 12,300KB for the first two hours (=6,150KB/hour) and 19,066KB for 3 hours which leaves 6,766KB for the last hour.
But if I back out the 6,150/hour from the third hour, there's only 616KB left for Internet traffic, a far cry from 3,892KB.
The router wireless total likely includes all wireless traffic, i.e. ARPs, IGMPs and queries by NW to get router stats for the WAN every second, as well as actual Internet traffic.
Monitor the interface for the router if possible (router has SNMP) or
Monitor the interface "Ignore local traffic within the LAN: Microsoft"
Do not monitor the wireless adapter or NIC.
Comparing router to device to Ignore local traffic within the LAN: Microsoft
Started by Praxis