Which option are you referring to, or both?
-the option to monitor the 'Ignore local...' interface is always present and available but
No - on
Portable. On my portable (as explained in Help Manual), you can only see / use "Ignore Local Traffic" in the
DROP BOX under monitiored interfaces, if have WinPCap installed. For portables, forget the option at bottom of Main tab UI. It's always grayed out. That's not how you access options to "Ignore Local Traffic," when using portable version.
And, AFTER A REBOOT, (consistent w/ WinPCap.org's explanation) - if I just start NW in std user acct, or have it load automatically w/ Windows (in which case, it just seems to load w/ the security level of the [std user] acct being used) - the "Ignore Local Traffic..." options for my network card are NOT shown in the drop box list.
ONLY if the application using WinPCap (here, NW) is started ONCE in admin mode, per session / boot up, can WinPCap access (or allow) certain info to be used by the application (here, NW).
Once I manually start NW in Admin mode (1st time after reboot), THEN in drop box list of monitored interfaces, the options to "Ignore local Traffic" appear. Even if then close / restart NW during that SAME session (no reboot), it now can be started in std user mode & show all the "Ignore Local Traffic..." options in the drop box. This is consistent w/ WinPCap's FAQ explanation, how it works. Strange - yes, but I find it only works exactly as WinPCap's FAQ describes.
Q-7: Do I need to be Administrator in order to execute programs based on WinPcap on Windows NT/2000/XP?
A: Yes/no. The security model of WinPcap is quite poor, and we plan to work on it in the future. At the moment, if you execute a WinPcap-based application for the first time since the last reboot, you must be administrator. At the first execution, the driver will be dynamically installed in the system, and from that moment every user will be able to use WinPcap to sniff the packets.
In portables, on main tab UI, the "Ignore Local Traffic..." option w/ check box is ALWAYS grayed out.
I agree the work arounds I gave suggested for getting different icons were just that - work arounds & definitely not for everyone.
I --- don't even want to have to do it that way. If it's understood / accepted that a good # of users will use multiple instances of NW, it should be made easy for them to choose from and / or import different icons for the tray.
Re: Icon used for apps in the task bar. Windows puts those icons there & I believe usually gets them from an app's .exe file, where the icons are stored.
That means to change icons for diff instances of NW in Task bar, either NW would have to be coded to do that, or somehow (again, maybe thru NW coding), IF users had the opportunity to select / replace std icon, for multiple instances, once they choose a diff one & NW starts using it, NW would also change / add that "custom" icon to the .exe file, so Windows would pick it up. Or by some, possibly easier coded method.
Or, like in Fx (I don't know how realistic this is in something like NW), there is (was?) a separate icon folder, where Windows picks it up. NW would have to be recoded to include that. Since it seems common to use multiple instances, this doesn't seem like such a far fetched idea. I did this once to change the taskbar icon for a separate instance of Fx. If anyone's interested, I'll have to check notes how I did it.
Since networx.exe only has (3) 16x16 icons & 1 of those is 16 colors, the 16 x 16 icon that Windows would grab for the taskbar icon would be the 256 or 16.8 mil colors.
Replacing both of those w/ alternate icons (in different installations / instances) of networx.exe file, using Resource Hacker, would probably change the icon for each instance of NW in taskbar. Yes, it would be simpler if NW were programmed to choose diff icons.