Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?

Started by Mikee


Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:05

I'm looking for the option to enable this
SoftPerfect support forum
But my problem is, when I right click the litte icon in my task bar, no such option as toolbar comes fourth, I was thinking it was removed in the latest version or so, but I never had any of the older ones..

So my question is. How do I get this thing enabled on the picture above? Or has it been removed?

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:11

SoftPerfect support forum
This is what I got right now..
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:13

Are you using the installer or the portable version?

The toolbar is only available with the installable version.

Also you need to click an empty area on the taskbar, not the icon.

See here for more details.

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:28

Andrew Wrote:

> Also you need to click an empty area on the
> taskbar, not the icon.

ahhhhhhh, I feel so retarded.. I was clicking on the icon itself, also my OS is in another language, so I figured toolbar was in the software itself, figured it out! Much love for your fast support and freeware<3

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:32

1 quick question tho, how do I make the bar like this SoftPerfect support forum
Instead of my current that look like this
SoftPerfect support forum

aka, how do I make the toolbar larger or configure it?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:34

No worries smile I will change the wording in the installer to emphasise that an empty area needs to be clicked.

Can't find this so called "toolbar" option?   27 January 2013, 09:42

Mikee Wrote:
> 1 quick question tho, how do I make the bar like
> this
> /deskband_compact.png
> Instead of my current that look like this
> aka, how do I make the toolbar larger or configure
> it?

Nvm, got it.. Just unlock the whole taskbar itself, and you're able to drag it out to become bigger. (for other people who may have troubles with this)
Thanks for the help once again Andrew

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