Networx desk band problem

Started by piyushlpn

Networx desk band problem   28 January 2013, 16:50

When i choose Settings>Graph>Graph type>Numeric the deskband only remove the graph instead of resizing it.Please see the picture in attachment.I suggest to make it like DUmeter and also it should show data tariff etc like DUmeter when hovering mouse on it.
open | download – Image 5.png (22.5 KB)

Networx desk band problem   28 January 2013, 18:05

I have also the same more thing bring back previous speed meter interface as the new one taking more space on screen.

Networx desk band problem   28 January 2013, 19:42

You can resize the deskband very easily, it doesn't need to be done automatically.

You can hover over the tray icon to see (for example) Daily Traffic or, with a single click, see Monthly traffic.

Networx is free, it seems that you want it to be like DU Meter, which is not free, so you can avoid paying for DU Meter smile

Networx desk band problem   28 January 2013, 19:45

Hamid Wrote:
> I have also the same more thing bring
> back previous speed meter interface as the new one
> taking more space on screen.

read my response to the OP.

I vote to keep the current Speedmeter format which offsets your vote to revert it. smile

Networx desk band problem   28 January 2013, 21:30

Praxis Wrote:
> You can resize the deskband very easily, it
> doesn't need to be done automatically.
> You can hover over the tray icon to see (for
> example) Daily Traffic or, with a single click,
> see Monthly traffic.
> Networx is free, it seems that you want it to be
> like DU Meter, which is not free, so you can avoid
> paying for DU Meter smile

you are not getting what i am saying.see the picture when i click numeric there is a blank in deskband see pic.i can easily resize it but i am saying it should resize itself taking same dimension and size like the way dumeter as shown in pic.As far as dumeter feature is concern i am just suggesting for betterment and not asking to do it.

Networx desk band problem   29 January 2013, 22:10

Think for a minute.

If you were the programmer....

How wide would you make the deskband if someone wanted it to show the graph, 1", 1.5", 2"?
If you picked any default width, there would always be someone to complain that it was too wide or not wide enough.
It's better to let each user re-size it to suit their needs.

Would you want to include code, which you give away for free, that would automatically reduce the width if the user decides to just show the figures but also remember the width with the graph so that if the user decides later to show the graph again, it would be the same as before.?

Probably not. The width is not something that people will change continuously, nor will they toggle between showing the graph and just showing the numbers. Most people will spend a bit of time deciding if they like the graph or not, play with the width and then leave the deskband alone, because they're happy with their 'custom' choices to suit their screen size.

I doubt that you'd think that it makes sense to add that code because a single user, (you), wants Networx to look like a different app, DUmeter.

If you like DUmeter more than Networx, then use DUmeter, and pay for it.

If you really want the features, donate $500USD. wink


Networx desk band problem   30 January 2013, 19:57

Got the soln installed version 5.2.5 there i can get only numeric deskband with same size side by side D & U.that why i am saying that its not a new thing that is for my preference it was there in the previous versions.networx is far better than dumeter eventhough it is free.

Networx desk band problem   31 January 2013, 01:21

Get the 5.2.7 version

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