Networx dual use

Started by Mike Fox

Mike Fox

Networx dual use   02 August 2013, 00:55

Hello. I'm a satisfied user of Networx and I have a question. Since I'm using two different ISP to connect to the Internet (each one with a specific traffic quota), is there a way to tell Networx to keep track of two different quotas and show two different usage reports, graphs, alerts and so on?
This would be a great feature, especially for users like me that are moving their laptop between different locations with different ISPs.
Thank you,


Networx dual use   02 August 2013, 05:47

Hi Mike,

Instead of using the installed version, set up multiple Portable copies, one per ISP.
Name the folder for each copy with the ISP name.
Create a shortcut for each copy, using the appropriate ISP name.

These must be configured to NOT start with windows, i.e. you'll have to start the appropriate one yourself before you connect to the ISP.

This way, each copy will have it's own database (db) file, etc. which will keep the traffic and quotas separate.

Mike Fox

Networx dual use   02 August 2013, 10:45

Hi Praxis,
thanks for your answer.
Yeah, I had some idea of the same kind of yours in my head but I'd think maybe there was a more "elegant" solution ... laugh
Anyway it should work, I will try and let you know.
BTW, why do you point out not to start the two Networx instances with Windows? If they are set up to monitor each one a different network (ie different router/MAC address) there should be no problem. Am I right?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Networx dual use   02 August 2013, 11:15

Hi Mike,

Yes, it should be okay to launch them automatically with Windows. You'll need to configure each instance to only be active when it's connected to the network it's supposed to monitor (see the Networks button the main settings).


Networx dual use   03 August 2013, 02:49

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for jumping in, I only have one network so I didn't explore the reasons for having the option to either select All or just the one ticked in the big box.

So to be verbose, Mike should create two Portable folders, named for example "Sprint" and "Verizon".
Both Portables should start with Windows.
The key is to change the Networks config so that each one uses the "Only networks selected below" and
the "Sprint" has only the Sprint name ticked and "Verizon" has Verizon.

What I can't see is how to differentiate those choices.

On my system, the only Network has a MAC address of what I've assumed to be my Router, the ISP isn't identified, but it could be the USB stick. If I did have a second USB stick for a different ISP, and I swapped them when I wanted to change ISPs, would the router report different MAC address? I guess it would have to, even if it's the internal MAC address (the router's adapter rather than the stick).

I can have 2 sticks in this router (plus a cabled Ethernet) and so if both were plugged in, and I used the router software to connect 'one at a time' or both at the same time to download large files in 'half the time', and as long as each had it's own MAC address, Networx should report traffic separately for both ISPs, even when/if both are in use concurrently.

One way to tell would be to have only one connected and started and if Networx wasn't recording, switch the "Network" choice and see if Networx started recording, then the association between MAC addresses and ISPs would be confirmed.

@ Mike,

I'd love to hear how you made out... please post back,



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