Option "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" is not available

Started by Kristian J

Kristian J

Option "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" is not available   07 September 2016, 00:54

To start Networx I have to tick the box "ignore local traffic within the LAN" but that is not possible. It is grey and not activated. What to do?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Option "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" is not available   07 September 2016, 00:58

It is usually for one of these reasons:
  • You are using the portable edition of NetWorx. This feature is unavailable in the portable build. Use the installer instead; or
  • Antivirus or a similar product prevents the LAN traffic filtering driver from being installed; or
  • You chose not to install the LAN traffic filtering driver during the installation process, which disabled this feature.

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