How to incorporate the date into the report filenames

Started by Anthony


How to incorporate the date into the report filenames   23 January 2023, 14:12


I just updated to the current release. Years ago when I first used the product I wrote to ask if there was a way to incorporate variables in the filename of the reports, and there wasn't. Has that changed through the years and is there a way to do it now?

In particular I'd like to save weekly and monthly reports incorporating the date in the file name. It's probably not practical to do so with the dailys, but would be useful to have for the less frequent reports.

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Re: How to incorporate the date into the report filenames   23 January 2023, 14:27

A set of special date-formatting characters is supported in reports saved to a file. You can use any of these tokens, each surrounded by % characters:
  • y
  • yy
  • yyyy
  • m
  • mm
  • mmm
  • mmmm
  • d
  • dd
  • ddd
  • dddd
  • h
  • hh
  • n
  • nn
  • s
  • ss

For example:
will become

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