Suggestion: Show speed in Kilobytes when it is set to automatic

Started by David Brustein

David Brustein

Suggestion: Show speed in Kilobytes when it is set to automatic   09 September 2023, 10:33

I'm wondering if there is a hidden way such as with a registry key to start the measuring at Kilobytes instead of bytes when speed is set to Automatic. I want it to switch between KB and MB, but bytes is way too sensitive and it would be better to se 0.0 KB rather than xxx Bytes. I'm curious if there is an undocumented way to do this. Thanks!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Suggestion: Show speed in Kilobytes when it is set to automatic - Implemented   09 September 2023, 21:41

Thank you for reaching out and for your thoughtful suggestion regarding the speed measurement units in our app. You make an excellent point; speeds in bytes or bits are often too sensitive for practical use, and we appreciate your feedback on this matter.

We have just updated the app to align with your recommendation. The new build now starts the speed measurement at kB/kbit instead of bytes/bits when set to Automatic. This should provide a more user-friendly experience:

SoftPerfect support forum
Thank you so much for implementing this and so quickly too! This will also save another few mm of space on the taskbar!

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