Cannot detect router after upgrade to Windows 11 Pro

Started by Guy Marchand

Guy Marchand

Cannot detect router after upgrade to Windows 11 Pro   07 August 2024, 12:21


For the last few years, NetWorx has worked without issue on one of my PCs that is on 24/7, previously running Windows 10 Pro. However after upgrading this old trusted PC to Windows 11 Pro, NetWorx can no longer detect my router (a high end Asus that had no issue with Windows 10 Pro). I have downloaded and re-installed NetWorx (of top of itself) with the latest version, still no good.

I have switched to monitoring the network adaptor, which Windows 11 is also not playing ball with - no throughput showing.

I have a feeling this may be firewall related - I have other software also not working properly (one not displaying to a webpage) since the upgrade...

Does anyone have any wise words for me? Thanks in advance

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cannot detect router after upgrade to Windows 11 Pro   07 August 2024, 15:20

Generally it shouldn't matter whether you're using Windows 10, Windows 11, or even a different operating system, as the router monitoring is implemented independently of the OS.

If it doesn't detect your router, my best guess would be a firewall issue, whether it's Windows Firewall or a third-party one if you have it installed. Please try disabling the firewall if you have one.

Another possibility is that some security solutions may place NetWorx in a sandbox without access to the system, in which case it wouldn't be able to see the router or even interface traffic.

If you have any third-party antivirus or security solutions installed on this PC, try temporarily disabling or uninstalling them, then rebooting your PC to see if that resolves the issue.

You can also try disabling the Windows firewall:
  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Select "System and Security".
  3. Click on "Windows Defender Firewall".
  4. Choose "Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off".
  5. Select "Turn off Windows Defender Firewall" (not recommended) under both private and public network settings.
Remember to re-enable your firewall once you've finished troubleshooting.

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