Taskbar graph overlaps icons when using multiple desktops

Started by LapisSea

Taskbar graph overlaps icons when using multiple desktops   25 November 2024, 22:47

Hi, just wanted to ask about an issue I've been experiencing.

I have (regrettably) gotten around to updating to Windows 11. The new taskbar graph implementation is great and I love the new look.

Just one issue. When using multiple desktops, the graph does not update its position and can start overlapping the little icons on the right, which is quite inconvenient as they can not be clicked on anymore.

Here is an example of how it looks:
SoftPerfect support forum

It seems to happen only on specific desktops, and it fixes itself if switched to a different one smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Taskbar graph overlaps icons when using multiple desktops   26 November 2024, 09:45

Sorry, we couldn't reproduce this issue. Are you using NetWorx version 7.2 or earlier?

We've made significant improvements to Windows 11 taskbar support in version 7.2.1, which should also prevent such overlapping issues.

Additionally, the graph can now be docked on either side of the centered taskbar.

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