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How to move Temp and TMP folders back to their original location

5 years ago, by hristov in RAM Disk Forum

Sorry for the stupid question, but I redirected Windows temp and tmp file directories to folder on my RamDisk named temp. I did it like this: I clicked on RamDisk and clicked on "make temporary files folder ... etc". In my case A is the letter of the Ram Drive, so I redirected to A:\temp. After that, I had problems installing some programs like Bitdefender antivirus that demand temp

Will I see a big speed difference between 64GB and 128GB RAM on PC?

6 years ago, by hristov in RAM Disk Forum

Hello, I wonder if I install 128GB DDR4 RAM on my PC, will I see a big difference in performance vs 64GB? My RAM disk is 1GB size, installed on Windows 10. Currently I have 64GB DDR4 2400MHz and CristalDisk Mark shows about 8600 Mbps seq read. I have another PC with 32GB DDR4 2400MHz and it shows about 7100 Mbps seq read. So 32 vs 64 doesn't show the twice the difference in speed. Will it be t

Choosing a drive letter for RAM disk and RAM disk image

6 years ago, by hristov in RAM Disk Forum

Thank you and sorry for the long topic. I am new to RAM Disk software and forgot to copy Opera files to the mounted image before unmounting it and to add it the disk! I will create a new disk, this time in exFAT system, and after that new image in exFAT. I hope it is not a problem that drive letters of the disk and the image will be different. If I create a disk F: the system does not allow me af

Re: RAM disk disappeared after Windows 10 October update

6 years ago, by hristov in RAM Disk Forum

It looks like I missed to mount the image and to copy the Opera files to the mounted image. After that to unmount image. Should I mount the image after I create a new RAM disk? Because the folders to mount on image will be on my RAM disk (I install Opera browser on the new RAM drive). Thank you.

RAM disk disappeared after Windows 10 October update

6 years ago, by hristov in RAM Disk Forum

Hello, I was more than happy with one of the latest free versions - 4.0.7. I will ask some questions in one topic instead making multiple topics. Please answer, because I want to keep using this software. I installed RAM Disk on Win 10 64 bit with 850 Pro SSD and 64GB DDR4 RAM. After that the first job was to create a 1 GB image and save the image file to SSD folder with NTFS file system and v