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Re: Missing data in XML export

11 months ago, by Marcus in RAM Disk Forum

Yes I know that I can write a batch and use Tools - Applications - Add, but <files> <copy>"C:\etc\tmp.txt" "\tmp.txt"</copy> </files> is easier because no programming is necessary, only you have to program For me I have my workaround, perhaps other users may want it. Regards Marcus

Re: Missing data in XML export

11 months ago, by Marcus in RAM Disk Forum

Thanks Andrew, I am now working without Image, it is easier. The only thing I used together with Image was to have an Z:\tmp.txt file with some contents at the beginning. My workaround is to copy C:\etc\tmp.txt -> Z:\tmp.txt on the fly when I first access Z:\tmp.txt. Maybe you think about an option to do copy actions like the folder creation, for example the XML result: <files>

Missing data in XML export

11 months ago, by Marcus in RAM Disk Forum

<label></label> is missing <folders/> is empty but folders are existing One file is existent but the tag is missing

What does "Hard Disk Emulation" mean?

11 months ago, by Marcus in RAM Disk Forum

What else can be done other than "No Emulation"?