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Server froze after changing quota

9 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Lost remote server connection (server froze) when I tried to change "quota" for the rules. All customers also lost connection. Had to reboot server. Is this normal? Can this be reviewed on the software? (our server is so far from here, bad for us...)

How to backup BWM data files

9 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Where are the data files saved? I setup the ntbackup to backup some files every day, but I don't know the location of BWM data files (db file?). It isn't in "Program Files/BWM".

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

In the USAGE REPORT current month sometimes just doesn't show. Data organization don't work properly showing just older months usage.

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

The main problem in the new version: the databank is inconsistent. Sometimes I change some rule and another existent rule receives the data from the new rule. How can this be possible? Sometimes when I open rules edit, it shows properties (user e-mail etc.) from a different rule!! Then I close and open again and it shows correct data. MAC address from some rules are copied to a different rule. Use

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

New issue. When click in button: "Display usage report" It´s not organized by DATE. And if we click in DATE, still not organize by date. It´s not considering 2014 as a newer year than 2013. But after we scroll down to see all dates, it seems to work normally after doing this. Please take a look! Thanks once more!

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Thank you! This fixes help a lot. I'm still using BWM everyday. If some issue happen again I describe it here. Thank you again!

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

The error message itself is normal. The problem is just to close the message. MAYBE.... JUST MAYBE... If you want You can update and put a countdown in the button itself like this: "Socket Error #10054 - Connection reset by peer." "Auto Reconnecting(3) in 30... 29... 28... 27..." "(CLOSE) | (RECONNECT

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum


Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Thank for the fixes!! Can you fix one more? When receive disconnection message: "Socket Error #10054 - Connection reset by peer." When click in OK, this message appear again and again. Can´t close it to reconnect. Thanks!!

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

One more error message. PS: Can't close this error message either. Must CTRL + ALT + DEL and close the bwm.exe process.

Re: Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

This one receiving everyday.

Bugs in the new version

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Since 3.x version was released there are too many bugs on this version. GUI reporting errors on creating new rules, when add new rules it goes to the end of the rules list. When some error happen we can't close the error message. We have to CRTL + ALT + DEL and finalize the GUI and open again. Same occurs if we have some disconnection problem. I always use GUI remotely. I use BWM everyday and b

Retrieving e-mail list from all rules

10 years ago, by netnuti in Bandwidth Manager Forum

How can I retrieve the email list from all rules? Thanks!