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Re: Monitor last 24 hours of rolling usage

8 years ago, by maskawisewin in Bandwidth Manager Forum

QuoteNic studying --doing 2 degrees-- and working full time from home over the Internet. Yeah, one degree and I'm a sponsored student so I don't pay anything, including living expenses. I'm sure you can guess this is not in the USA. I have a 21 TB RAID 5 server I bought from a summer job. It has 18 TB of usable space after RAID stripping. I hook up Sonarr and Couchpotato to it so everything auto

Re: Monitor last 24 hours of rolling usage

8 years ago, by maskawisewin in Bandwidth Manager Forum

After doing a bit more reading, if the MAC address of my router changes it would be nice if the quota could reset for the 24 hour period. It's a trick we use on campus to reset the 10 GB limit, however you can only do it once or twice a day otherwise they'll pull the plug on the student after a couple of warnings. Then you gotta go confess your sin to get it turned back on. Not a huge deal. It

Re: Monitor last 24 hours of rolling usage

8 years ago, by maskawisewin in Bandwidth Manager Forum

I don't suppose there's a feature implemented where you can reset quota if the IP address changes? I've looked but didn't see any.

Re: Monitor last 24 hours of rolling usage

8 years ago, by maskawisewin in Bandwidth Manager Forum

Thank you!

Monitor last 24 hours of rolling usage

8 years ago, by maskawisewin in Bandwidth Manager Forum

My ISP in my residence at school has a 10 GB limit every 24 hours. Once the usage from 24 hours is freed up, your quota increases. If I go over, I'm reduced from 100/100 megabit down to ~15/15 kilobytes until the quota drops below 10 gigs again, which could take up to 24 hours! It's an excruciating punishment and you can barely do homework with those speeds. Is there any way this feature could be