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4 years ago, by ub40boy in Bandwidth Manager Forum
Ahh that's a good point! So it seems setting a quota on the MAC address of the clients roof top radio may be easier? They will have a roof top radio, then inside their house an access point. Regardless of the equipment beyond the CPE radio, the quota will apply from that point, correct?
4 years ago, by ub40boy in Bandwidth Manager Forum
Thank you Andrew, I will use option b. I have EdgeRouter and EdgeSwitch, I will setup 3 VLANs on the EdgeRouter How would the Bandwidth Manager be setup to apply the quotas to the 3 different VLANs?
4 years ago, by ub40boy in Bandwidth Manager Forum
Hi Team, I have just added a second ethernet port to my intel nuc and I'm ready to install Bandwidth Manager Is there any start to finish setup guide available? Also can somebody help me setup a data quota on 2 client CPE radios that I have in a point to point setup. Cheers