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Toggle to switch upload / download with SNMP and other stuff

11 years ago, by gogusrl in NetWorx Forum

Thanks for this, I never imagined you were going to fix this so fast. Keep up the good work. Now it's time to try my luck with a big feature request. I've been using for years this little program to monitor my line quality ( ). Is it possible to integrate a function like this in Networx ?

Toggle to switch upload / download with SNMP and other stuff

11 years ago, by gogusrl in NetWorx Forum

They work ok if you monitor your external interface, but not if you monitor your internal one. Think about it, what you're downloading on your computer, the lan interface is uploading to you. When you're uploading stuff, that interface is downloading from you and uploading to the external one.

Toggle to switch upload / download with SNMP and other stuff

11 years ago, by gogusrl in NetWorx Forum

With router SNMP monitoring, the upload and download tabs are switched. I know they're technically correct, but I'm way to used to download representing download to adapt to something like this. Could you maybe add a toggle to switch them around ? Also, I'd like more customization of the Desk Bar. If I disable the graph on it, the numeric display won't strech to cover everything and an option