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Re: Environment configuration of Mac edition

7 years ago, by takashi in NetWorx Forum

Thank you very much. It was confirmed to move with no problem.

Environment configuration of Mac edition

7 years ago, by takashi in NetWorx Forum

I'll ask about MacOS edition. 1. It's the action setting when being notice, but would I be able to use an environment variable? Example: /Users/<username>/Bandwidth/script/ 2. Would I be able to use an environment variable in choice in a report abstraction destination? Example: /Users/<username>/Bandwidth/report/xxx.csv

Re: MacOS NetWorx DataBase Path

7 years ago, by takashi in NetWorx Forum

Thanks, Andrew.

MacOS NetWorx DataBase Path

7 years ago, by takashi in NetWorx Forum

Hi I'd like to reflect the same setting contents on more than one MacPC Terminals. Where would a preserved place be about the data contents of Settings in MacOS version?