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Re: Gap between Windows 11 taskbar and the transfer rate popup

5 weeks ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

Thanks for the explanation!

Gap between Windows 11 taskbar and the transfer rate popup

5 weeks ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

Hey guys, Not sure if this is something I can easily fix. I've already tried reinstalling NetWorx and removing the folder in ProgramData. I get this gap when viewing the transfer status in the systray with the Win 11 taskbar: It only happens on one machine, which is a Surface Laptop Studio 2. When I use that machine to connect to a remote VM over an RDP session with a similar set up, I d

Re: DPI scaling change causes icons to be cut off on Win 10 taskbar

7 weeks ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

I'm super grateful for that. My problem is I get confused when a lot of windows are opened and icons are grouped with no labels. So I prefer to work with icons ungrouped which usually causes the icons on the Windows 11 taskbar to overflow with the Networx graph. It would be great to add an option to make the Networx taskbar graph click through if possible, it would make it more usable with ung

Re: DPI scaling change causes icons to be cut off on Win 10 taskbar

7 weeks ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

Just as you guys fixed this, it appears that the legacy taskbar is being removed from 24H2. Fortunately hovering over the system tray icon works super well for seeing bandwidth usage pretty quickly. Just a new habit to develop! Thanks for the great software.

Re: DPI scaling change causes icons to be cut off on Win 10 taskbar - Fixed

8 weeks ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

Thank you so much for your help. This latest update completely fixed the issue. Thanks for taking care of this. It is much appreciated!!

Re: DPI scaling change causes icons to be cut off on Win 10 taskbar

2 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

I did a little more testing. I removed networx.dll and that seems to have helped. It seems that this bug is caused in some part by networx.dll. I recall Andrew in another post telling me that this dll wasn't required. Hopefully this can help with a fix! Thanks!! I sent a private message to you guys with easy repro steps in a screen recording, it has some personal info in it hence the private m

DPI scaling change causes icons to be cut off on Win 10 taskbar

2 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

When the DPI scaling changes (usually happens when connecting to an RDP session on my headless VM) the taskbar icons will get cut off when using the Win 10 taskbar on Win 11 (which is really the only way to use the taskbar graph). In my case this is happening with StartAllBack. I know this is caused by NetWorx and not StartAllBack because disabling the taskbar graph resolves this behavior.

StartAllBack crash when connecting to RDP session - Fixed

5 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

The StartAllBack developer released an update that seemed to have fixed this from his end. Networx.dll was crashing, but evidentially it wasn't Networx that was the root cause. Sorry!

Re: StartAllBack crash when connecting to RDP session

5 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

The entire point of Networx to me is the taskbar graph. Can I provide you with the dmp file so perhaps you could see why it is crashing?

StartAllBack crash when connecting to RDP session

5 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

When connecting to my RDP session I'm running into some intermittent explorer crashes. When explorer comes back it appears Networx has crashed as well. I thought the crashes were related to StartAllBack and I provided the developer of that program a dump, but it turned out that the crash was in networx.dll. I think therefore the crashes may be related to Networx. Are there any logs I can provide t

Re: StartAllBack NetWorx support for Windows 12 Canary builds

6 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

The issue with the current Win 11 implementation is when using never combine taskbar buttons the buttons overlap the taskbar graph with just a few windows open. StartAllBack brings back the classic taskbar with a ton of modifications so the support is there for icons to not overlap. Plus the classic taskbar just works and looks better.

StartAllBack NetWorx support for Windows 12 Canary builds

6 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

StartAllBack recently released experimental support for Windows 12 Canary builds, reimplementing the classic system tray as the underlying code was removed from the latest Canary builds of Windows. I was able to work with the developer to get NetWorx working properly in this experimental build, so hopefully when Windows 12 releases next year the taskbar graph will work properly using StartAllBack.

Re: Taskbar speed display overlaps taskbar icons

8 months ago, by mackid1993 in NetWorx Forum

Thanks for the fast reply!! I was doing that already, just curious if there was a workaround. Fortunately with the system tray icon I can easily disable the taskbar display if it becomes an issue. You may want to consider adding a keyboard shortcut to toggle the taskbar window in a future release to make this easier.