Feature request: selecting IP or MAC address for the Friendly Name Association

Started by WindowsStar

Feature request: selecting IP or MAC address for the Friendly Name Association   17 February 2013, 15:23

Andrew, I use the Friendly Name feature in Network Scanner and noticed that it associates the name with the IP address. Are you able to make that selectable? As in let me pick IP address or MAC address for the Friendly Name Association? On my home network my systems get a DHCP address and many times they will get a different IP so when I scan the Friendly Name is associated with the wrong device. Thanks in advance. -WS
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Change or Feature Request.   17 February 2013, 16:22

Of course, it's right there smile

SoftPerfect support forum

Change or Feature Request.   19 February 2013, 06:29

@Andrew, wow how brain dead I am, I looked at that screen several times and never noticed the pull-down. Embarrassed I missed that. smile Thanks.

Edit: Update, you really notice that pull-down in Windows XP, but in Windows 7 the pull-down arrow is at the end and I guess easily missed, still my fault, but your screen shot was so helpful and easy I was wondering why I missed it.

Update: On further review. The request is to be able to pick (IP or MAC or Host) when adding the Friendly Name from the scanning screen. Does that make sense? See attached Screen Shot would like a pull-down were the IP Address is. Many Thanks.
open | download – NetScan Pix 1.jpg (18.7 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Change or Feature Request.   19 February 2013, 07:57

This list can only contain items of the same type, e.g. IP address, or MAC address or host name.

If you change the drop-down box to Map MAC to Friendly Name, it will also automatically change the assignment dialog:

SoftPerfect support forum

Change or Feature Request.   19 February 2013, 10:26

Correct, but then you have to go to the menu and select MAC then pick the ones you want, then go back to the menu and pick IP then pick the ones you want (But maybe that is not working like I think it is). Nice to make the selection from the add box with a pull-down. Just a suggestion for ease, not to make some major programming changes (how the list is stored, etc.). I understand if would add too much code to the software I am with you keeping this small and simple. I guess I thought it was keeping IP, host name and MAC associated with the Friendly Name.


IP Address..MAC.............................Host Name....Friendly Name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 00-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE, SERVER134, Main File Server

But it really is keeping just the IP, MAC or Host name associated with the Friendly name?

As always thank you for your time.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Change or Feature Request.   19 February 2013, 13:49

Well technically it's just a list of strings "key=value".

It can be = My server


AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF = My server


mysrv1 = My server.

The network scanner needs to know which one of these to use when displaying friendly names.

If you choose Map IP address, it will take the values from the IP address column and display a name for each IP address.

If you choose Map MAC address, it will take the values from the MAC address column and display the name for each each MAC address.

If you choose Map host name, it will take the values from the host name column and display the friendly name for each host name.

Obviously you can create an IP address based list of friendly names, and then switch to a MAC address based list. In that case, the previously added pairs with IP addresses will just have no effect.

Change or Feature Request.   13 March 2013, 16:03

Is there a way to have the Friendly Name displayed if any of the selections (MAC, IP or Host) has a name associated with it. So if when scanning I have some machines friendly name associated with MAC but others with IP is will always display the friendly name?? Or even if I have the friendly name associated with 2 or all 3?? Many thanks -WS
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Change or Feature Request.   14 March 2013, 13:11

No, there isn't.

The idea is that if all your IP addresses are static, you use names mapped to the IP addresses.

If all or some of your IP addresses are dynamic, you use names to the MAC addresses.

Finally, if IP addresses are dynamic and MAC addresses cannot be resolved (in a different subnet) you can map to the host names.

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