Values and RegEx placement

Started by rmpf

Values and RegEx placement   12 February 2014, 05:49

Hi Andrew, here are some screenshots that show how the regex formula some how change place without notice, I write down the expression on one column a later it appear in another one, also somehow the columns values are out of place.
open | download – netscan2.jpg (63.8 KB)
open | download – netscan4.jpg (41.9 KB)
open | download – netscan5.jpg (27.6 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Values and RegEx placement   12 February 2014, 09:18

This definitely looks wrong bug Any idea how this can be reproduced?

There may be a sequence of actions, may be turning columns on and off, reordering them, that led to this inconsistent state.

I will try to recreate this situation, but if you could figure out how you got it like this, that would help a lot smile

Re: Values and RegEx placement   12 February 2014, 12:30

Yeap I'll do my best to find out and I can give you my configs if that helps.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Values and RegEx placement   14 February 2014, 18:24

I've played around with it and I was able to reproduce this issue, although it's rather a feature than a bug.

Here's what happens: the software remembers a text colour, background colour and a regex based on the column index in a set.

For instance, if you set up a regex to apply to the Antivirus Definition Date column, the software remembers it as it was applied to column #1 in the registry set of of columns. Later on, you add another registry column that precedes Antivirus Definition Date, that new column becomes column #1 and Antivirus Definition Date becomes column #2. This results in the regex applying to the new (and not quite correct) column.

I am not yet sure how to correctly handle this situation. In the meantime, I would probably recommend to reorder the active registry scans, so that the regex applies to the correct column.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Values and RegEx placement   14 February 2014, 23:53

Hi, Andrew referring to the screenshot, and for my understanding, you're saying that the rows have to be in the same order as when the regex was first created? If so, I suppose, is better to reassign the regex to know the order?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Values and RegEx placement   15 February 2014, 12:13

The checked rows have to be in the same order as when the regex was first created. It may be easier to reassign the regex to a different column though.

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