Feature request: Unhide Passwords button

Started by rmpf2


Feature request: Unhide Passwords button   30 June 2016, 03:43

Hi Andrew.

Can you add a button to unhide the masked passwords on credentials to verify they are entered correctly?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Unhide Passwords button   30 June 2016, 11:08

There is no button for that, but you can launch the app with /openpass, for example netscan.exe /openpass and this will reveal masked passwords.

Re: Feature request: Unhide Passwords button   30 June 2016, 12:32

The attach file show an example of what I mean.
open | download – UeiuuCG.jpg (19.1 KB)

Re: Feature request: Unhide Passwords button   01 July 2016, 00:23

This screenshot show with more details how it would be.
open | download – NetScan - 00346 - 6_30_2016 , 9_13_25 AM.png (48.7 KB)

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