SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Licensed NetScan app has restricted output like a trial

Started by Simon

Hi folks,

We have a licensed copy of Network Scanner v7.1.8 64-bit installed on our server and I want to do scheduled scans of our internal networks (2 x /24 subnets) writing to files with date and time stamps in the filename.

I have been able to run the scan OK from the GUI and view all the results, writing fine to HTML output.

However when I invoke the netscan.exe file as a scheduled task, passing the config XML file settings to it and specifying the output filename with variables, it doesn't work properly. It creates the HTM file OK and has the same number of rows as via the GUI, however it obfuscates the IP/hostname after the 10th result with asterisks as though it can't tell it's licensed. I've tried setting the "Start In" value to the same folder as the executable with no luck.

Is there an issue with the current build preventing command line invocation from detecting the license, or is there an undocumented switch I can use to pass through the license key?

Many thanks
Just to let you know I did some more digging and managed to work out what was going wrong:
  • netscan.lic is getting created in the profile folders for the logged in user, so each different user that logs in has to apply the license key themselves to generate their own accessible .lic file.
  • I was running the scheduled task as the domain administrator account to ensure it has full access to everything being scanned.
  • I got the task working correctly by logging onto the server as Administrator and pasting the license key into the app to generate a netscan.lic in its own profile folders.
Now running as expected, thanks!

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Re: Licensed NetScan app has restricted output like a trial   30 October 2018, 18:15

I am glad you have solved it. You are right: the licence key, as well as the configuration file, are stored under the profile of the user who runs the application.

Another way of using the licence across several user logins is the portable version of the Network Scanner. In that case both the licence and the config files are kept in the same folder as the application, regardless of who runs it.

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