SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Retrieving SNMP from devices

Started by Branko


Retrieving SNMP from devices   04 May 2019, 15:07

I see I can enter some SNMPv3 credential data, but where can one use them to retrieve SNMP from devices?
I searched for examples in the Internet but found noting on this topic sad
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Re: Retrieving SNMP from devices   04 May 2019, 15:28

You would need to enter MIB OID (Object Identifier) as shown on the screen shot below, which is basically a path to the value you want to retrieve. You can try some common OIDs, such as: (system uptime) (system description) (system host name)

SoftPerfect support forum

Our Network Scanner comes with a few common MIB files, so you can easily pick an OID from the tree:

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