Can't update MAC-address database

Started by William


Can't update MAC-address database   10 July 2019, 16:21

I can't do a network scan because it tries to download and update MAC-address database and comes up with "OLE database error 800C0008". Please help.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Can't update MAC-address database   10 July 2019, 16:38

There is probably an issue with the Internet connection or a proxy server. You can instead download that file here or here and and place it in
%APPDATA%\SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Re: Can't update MAC-address database   26 July 2019, 03:45

It seems that is completely unavailable for a very long time. The described problem has been observed since last year. It makes sense to replace the address on the IEEE website as more reliable source. Or add a setting, allowing users to create their own link as source.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Can't update MAC-address database   29 July 2019, 13:42

Thank you, that's a good point.

We have mirrored the file on our web-site where should be accessible 24/7. The new release will have the new link embedded and the file will be updated every month.

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