What do "2 x USER" and "2 x SID" mean?

Started by Andrea


What do "2 x USER" and "2 x SID" mean?   06 August 2019, 21:45

I think your NetScanner product is amazing and extremely informative.
Just one question: I don't know what the specific information from my scan which identifies Logged users and Logged SIDs mean. My scan states: "2 x USER" for Logged User; and "2 x [my SID]" for Logged SID.

Does this information mean that someone else is on my computer with me when I log in? If so, is there another way to troubleshoot these statements to confirm what they mean? Thank you.
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Re: What do "2 x USER" and "2 x SID" mean?   06 August 2019, 22:29

This simply means there was more than one logon session (which is common when a service process runs under a user account). You can use this utility to see all logon sessions.

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