Using variable IP address in OID

Started by Sharon


Using variable IP address in OID   07 August 2019, 23:01

I am trying to use SNMP for finding the subnet of the scanned device. For that I need to use .{device_ip}
How can I use the IP of the scanned device as a variable and add it to the OID string?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Using variable IP address in OID   07 August 2019, 23:07

This isn't possible in the current official release, but it has been added to the latest preliminary build.

For IP address and MAC address substitutions, use the following in OIDs:
  • %0 for IP address bytes
  • %1 for MAC address bytes

If you wish to use this feature right now, simply download the latest build, add as your OID, and the Network Scanner should retrieve the network masks.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Using variable IP address in OID   07 August 2019, 23:17

Thank you very much, it's working fine now...

Best regards,

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