Using variables in Remote Registry queries

Started by Aaron


Using variables in Remote Registry queries   28 August 2019, 10:12

Hi Andrew, Ann and all,

Quick question: is it possible to use a variable in a Remote Registry query?

I'm trying to read a specific value for a 32-bit program across both x86 and x64 systems, which will either reside in
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Program Name\Key
HKLM\Software\Program Name\Key
depending on the OS architecture, but haven't had any luck with trying the bracket / vertical line method, or changing the drop-down value to allow wildcards.

E.g. I've tried
HKLM\Software[Wow6432Node\|\]Program Name\Key
which in theory would return either of the above, and variations of this, but keep getting No Key returned.

As a workaround I have two separate queries which works, but I'd love to be able to combine these into one column with one query.
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Re: Using variables in Remote Registry queries   29 August 2019, 16:08

This syntax isn't supported in registry paths in the current release. However, it makes sense to implement it, which we just did in the fresh builds.

It should now be possible to use something like this in the multiple keys/wildcards mode:
Software\[Wow6432Node\|]Program Name\Key
Please note: it has to be either wildcards (* and ?) or alternating segments [segment1|segment2], not both in the same expression.

We have also added a Registry Browser for convenient selection of paths and value names. Look for the [...] buttons next to the registry path and value name when editing a Remote Registry item.

Re: Using variables in Remote Registry queries   03 September 2019, 17:28

Thanks Andrew - you're a legend... works perfectly!! Is here anything you can't get this wonderful program to do!?! wink

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