Bug report: Incorrect date sorting

Started by solipso

Bug report: Incorrect date sorting   14 May 2022, 23:27

The software sorts the dates by the "."-delimited numeric values from left to right (i.e., by day, then by month, then by year...), and not by year, then month, then day, then time. This makes the Last Seen column pretty much mangled as I cannot sort my computers by date to see which ones have not been seen lately.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Bug report: Incorrect date sorting - Fixed   15 May 2022, 09:42

We have just fixed it, please try the latest builds.

Re: Bug report: Incorrect date sorting - Fixed   16 May 2022, 02:29

Wow! That is something. Many thanks! ok, yes, thumb up

Bug report: Incorrect Remote Time sorting   07 March 2023, 23:24

The software doesn't sort the RemoteTIME.

To sort dates, it is better to use the yyyy.mm.dd hh.mm format.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Bug report: Incorrect Remote Time sorting - Fixed   08 March 2023, 11:15

Sorting by remote time has just been fixed in the latest build.

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