SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Only show the matching data in virtual columns

Started by Harvey


Only show the matching data in virtual columns   06 July 2022, 17:55


When using virtual columns and creating regular expression, if that regex is not matched, the virtual column displays complete data from the source column. Is there a way for a virtual column to show only the matched regex data?

E.g., when I create a virtual column "Check Web" based on the source column "TCP Ports", and do a regex ^.*(80).*$ with replacement expression "Has Web", if there is no port 80 in the source column, only port 22 or 443, those ports will print out in the virtual column, so the output is like this:

[Check Web]
22, 443
Has Web
Has Web

Whereas I would like to hide the data that does not match the regex. Something like this:

[Check Web]

Has Web
Has Web


Is this possible?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Only show the matching data in virtual columns   06 July 2022, 22:07

That's a good point. Indeed nothing should be shown if the regex doesn't match the column value.

Please download the latest build from here and it should work correctly.
Thanx! It's working now as expected! ok, yes, thumb up

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