Scanning is stuck on offline IP addresses

Started by Andrew H.

Andrew H.

Scanning is stuck on offline IP addresses   22 August 2022, 10:56

We upgraded our company to NetScanner version 8.1.4 from 7.1.5. Ever since the upgrade, IPs without a response continue to scan/analyze, and the scanning process never ends. I have tried toggling the settings, but no luck. Most scans never complete. We can cancel the stuck scan, which usually requires force stopping, but sometimes it leads to app just crashing out. Reverting back to v7.1.5 resolves the problem. Can we get some help with this?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Scanning is stuck on offline IP addresses   22 August 2022, 11:11

It is most likely related to the difference in your settings between these two versions. In particular, please open Options - General and do the following:
  • Always analyse device : make sure it is unchecked.
  • Allow ARP outside current subnet : make sure it is unchecked.
  • Method : set to "ICMP (ping)" instead of "Both".

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