Ability to scan against a list of IP addresses

Started by Dave


Ability to scan against a list of IP addresses   06 November 2022, 14:10

Hello - Among many features I am interested in the base capability for an IP scanner is that I could input a file of IP addresses and the scan (running in continuous mode) will test against that list, alerting if one is missing or if one is detected that is not in the list. The alert could be text, email, or whatever. What do you think, can you add this?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Ability to scan against a list of IP addresses   06 November 2022, 14:24

This feature is already present. It is called Live Display, and it is available under View - Live Display in the main menu.

You can use View - Start Background Scan. After that, check View - Show Live Display Log. That's where you can set up e-mail alerts and notifications.

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