Alternatives to ping (IMCP) scanning

Started by JK


Alternatives to ping (IMCP) scanning   09 February 2024, 09:11

I wonder if there is a way to not use ping when trying to scan (stealth scan mode).
Currently, our corporate network blocks ICMP.
Is there an option that could be used to perform analysis unconditionally even if ping failed? For example, an option to change the default scan option to SYN scan instead of ping.
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Re: Alternatives to ping (IMCP) scanning   09 February 2024, 09:20

In general, Network Scanner has two discovery methods:
  • Ping: it sends an ICMP echo request.
  • Arping: it sends an ARP packet to discover a live IP address.
You can configure the application to use arping alone, or leave its default (ping & arping) and tick 'Always analyse device'. In this case the application will try every IP address as if it responded to ping. This however will be very slow because every connect() call will have to time out.

In other words, there is no SYN scanning in the Network Scanner application. There is ICMP and ARP, as well as the option to ignore their result and proceed with regular scans anyway.

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