Strange behavior after adding a new IPv4 range

Started by rmpf2


Strange behavior after adding a new IPv4 range   13 March 2024, 23:15

Just to report that with preview existing ranges something strange happened after adding a new IPv4 range. It just appeared with the green marked square but without the other options. And after extending the test with rearranging of all the existing ranges, including the new one, all suffered from the same, losing the options buttons except the green marked square.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Strange behavior after adding a new IPv4 range   14 March 2024, 09:13

Sorry it's not quite clear what you are referring to. Could you please attach a screenshot?

Re: Strange behavior after adding a new IPv4 range   14 March 2024, 23:37

Hi Andrew.

Even when I load an old config, the ranges layout remain unchanged without the ability to delete or add new ranges.
open | download – Image.jpg (47.2 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Strange behavior after adding a new IPv4 range   15 March 2024, 09:18

Is there a config file we can reproduce this with? It does not seem to happen with the default configuration.

If it happens with your config, please send us netscan.xml from %APPDATA%\SoftPerfect Network Scanner.

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