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Bandwidth Info
Started by Neil
Bandwidth Info 30 July 2024, 12:33 |
Re: Bandwidth Info 30 July 2024, 13:25 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 599 |
There isn't a direct method within our software to test the bandwidth between two computers. It's generally not possible to measure bandwidth without having software installed on both PCs.
You can use tools like iPerf for command-line testing, or if you prefer graphical interfaces, tools like JPerf (a GUI for iPerf) or NetStress might be helpful.
You can use tools like iPerf for command-line testing, or if you prefer graphical interfaces, tools like JPerf (a GUI for iPerf) or NetStress might be helpful.
Re: Bandwidth Info 26 August 2024, 23:47 |
Just to make a contribution on how I am doing it.
Define two new applications.
Important note: Some variables have to be defined in Netscan. Firewall allow rules for chosen port (example default port 5201) has to be defined and created in host where server is going to be running. Admin priviledges needed.
1. To check intranet bandwidth between two host using Iperf3
%iperf_folder_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where iperf3 is installed, not including the executable file. - Example C:\iperf3
%server_host_ip - is a variable to indicate the ip where iperf3 server is running. - Example
%PsExec_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where psexec is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\SysInternals\psexec.exe
{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0} - this one is to indicate against who you want to test bandwidth.
\\{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0}\C$\Temp" - this is to indicate a location - a folder path to copy the iperf3 files on the remote host - Temp is just an example.
First part of the command statement is to copy iperf3 folder contents to a remote pc folder. Consider this one to be the client. Second part is to start running the iperf3 server from our administrative computer, where firewall rules where previously defined. Third part is to launch iperf3 from the remote host as a client. Fourth and last part is to delete only the copied files, but not the folder. Take on account that if the origin Temp folder does not exist it is going to be created. Every part is separated with one & or two &&.
2. To check internet bandwidth between one host and speedtest server
%PsExec_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where psexec is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\SysInternals\psexec.exe
%SpeedtestCLI_path_Var - is a varible to indicate where speedtest is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\Speedtest_CLI\speedtest.exe
Just to make a contribution on how I am doing it.
Define two new applications.
Important note: Some variables have to be defined in Netscan. Firewall allow rules for chosen port (example default port 5201) has to be defined and created in host where server is going to be running. Admin priviledges needed.
1. To check intranet bandwidth between two host using Iperf3
cmd /k xcopy "%iperf_folder_path_VAR" "\\{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0}\C$\Temp" /e /c /i /h /k /q /y & start cmd /k %%iperf_folder_path_VAR\iperf3.exe -s -B %server_host_ip -1 & %PsExec_path_VAR -si \\{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0} cmd /k C:\Temp\iperf3.exe -c %server_host_ip -P 1 -i 2 --bidir -p 5201 -f m -t 10 && cmd /c DEL /S /F /Q \\{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0}\C$\Temp\*.*Details:
%iperf_folder_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where iperf3 is installed, not including the executable file. - Example C:\iperf3
%server_host_ip - is a variable to indicate the ip where iperf3 server is running. - Example
%PsExec_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where psexec is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\SysInternals\psexec.exe
{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0} - this one is to indicate against who you want to test bandwidth.
\\{Enter iperf_client IP or Hostname:%0}\C$\Temp" - this is to indicate a location - a folder path to copy the iperf3 files on the remote host - Temp is just an example.
First part of the command statement is to copy iperf3 folder contents to a remote pc folder. Consider this one to be the client. Second part is to start running the iperf3 server from our administrative computer, where firewall rules where previously defined. Third part is to launch iperf3 from the remote host as a client. Fourth and last part is to delete only the copied files, but not the folder. Take on account that if the origin Temp folder does not exist it is going to be created. Every part is separated with one & or two &&.
2. To check internet bandwidth between one host and speedtest server
cmd /c "%PsExec_path_VAR \\{Enter ip or hostname:%0} -u %USER -p %PWD -icfeh -accepteula -nobanner %SpeedtestCLI_path_Var --accept-license --progress=yes --selection-details" & pauseDetails:
%PsExec_path_VAR - is a varible to indicate where psexec is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\SysInternals\psexec.exe
%SpeedtestCLI_path_Var - is a varible to indicate where speedtest is installed, including the executable file. - Example C:\Speedtest_CLI\speedtest.exe