How to enter license key from command line

Started by Licensed User

Licensed User

How to enter license key from command line   01 August 2024, 13:15

We have just purchased a license. How should we use this license key with the portable edition of Network Scanner?
We need to do this from command line, not the GUI.
Is there a license flag or a line in the config.xml? We won't be using the console, so there is no option to enter the key.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to enter license key from command line   01 August 2024, 13:29

Please follow these steps:
  1. Create a file named netscan.lic and paste the below code into it.
  2. Paste your license key where indicated and save the file.
  3. Place this netscan.lic file in the same location as the netscan.exe file of your portable edition.
After this, each time netscan.exe is launched, it will pick up the license from netscan.lic.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  Copy your license key code 
  without the BEGIN/END tags 
  and paste it here.

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