Does SoftPerfect RamDisk use differential writing?

Started by Angelus359


Does SoftPerfect RamDisk use differential writing?   07 January 2013, 07:53

Does soft perfect use differential writing? Does it work by writing just the changes, or writing files that have changes? It makes a difference with very large files. And if so, would having the write at 1 minute increments actually not write very much?

I had a different ramdisk previously, and the write at shutdown failed. Does it work correctly on windows 8?

Thank you for your time and responses

Re: SoftPerfect RamDisk and differential writing   07 January 2013, 14:58

Differential write was added in 3.3 smile
I'd assume it's done per modified memory block rather than file basis.

Re: Re: SoftPerfect RamDisk and differential writing   08 January 2013, 06:42

That's really cool. Most ramdisk are not nearly that awesome.
Thanks for the response

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