How to delete a RamDisk

Started by nelson


How to delete a RamDisk   30 January 2013, 12:36

I love sincerely this beautiful piece of open source software. wink It makes a perfect utilization of RAM resources for rapid environment.
But there's a problem. When I select the option UNMOUNT the disk , there's no problem at all... But when we try to DELETE it, my OS crash... And when we reboot the PC the same RAMDISK persists to be resident in memory sad

I know for now a unique solution: uninstalling the application ...but its real not a real resolution to the problem and it wont be piratical... Any ideas to resolve this?? Any new releases for the future to implement a solution for this? sad

How to delete a RamDisk   31 January 2013, 01:43

You should:
-Unmount the Image then
-Unmount the Disk and lastly
-Change the settings to not automatically load with Windows

At this point you could also delete the Disk, if not through the GUI then through the Command line interface.

Very easy to do, doesn't need a new release. Spend some time reading the Help.

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 03:26

Hi Praxis .smile Thanks 4 your important answer.
Well, Praxis, I cannot advance to the 2nd step...
The "automatically load with Windows" option is unchecked , but the app continues to load the disk.

FRESH COPY of WINDOWS XP Pro (Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Compilation 2600)

Note : the same error happens on XP Home Edition ..
thanks for advance.

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 03:45

Was thinking about a solution...
As i known, these "Boot-time" disks will be mounted by the Softperfect driver.
Probably, the work around for improving this beautiful software, is to disable that "boot driver"?

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 03:47

PS: changing FSdriver from "boot" to "on demand"?

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 07:59

Did you try to delete the Disk through the Command line interface.?

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 08:59

Nope Praxis, how can you do it ? Which parameters ushould we use?

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   01 February 2013, 09:27

I just did the following:
Add image file
Add Boot time Disk referencing the image file
copied a file into the RAMdisk drive
Unmounted the RAM disk
Deleted the RAMdisk

The RAMdisk was gone, the Image file and contents remained, I proved this by Adding another disk associated with the image file and when opened the new RAMdisk had the copied file.

Unmounted and Deleted and the RAMdisk is gone again...

I admit that I was wrong before, you don't (actually you can't) Unmount the image file because it was never Mounted.

on W7-Pro 64bit

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   04 February 2013, 00:28

dear friend, thanks for your exhasted help.

Well...sad news...i dont know how you did it ! You wrote "delete the Disk through the Command line interface". Which comands you you use inside the console cmd.exe ?

Sorry for my inconvenience/ low experience

How to DELETE a RamDisk -please help !   05 February 2013, 00:53

it's explained in Help.
Jay Gabrielle

How to delete a RamDisk   13 October 2016, 11:47

I don't have any hdd storage so there is only a motherboard, DVD drive, ram, CPU, psu. Windows 8 Pro don't currently have 7 on hand.

First, boot- with or without ssd/hdd?

When at command line from windows install I am unable to remove the entire directory. Am I able to do it this way or would windows need to be installed firstly?

Why is Linux affected or is there anything i need to do for that platform?

I have yet to acquire the aforementioned software so I will do that now. Thanks for your help.

There's one final question I have perhaps outside of the scope of this topic regarding a cell phone but I'll be happy with any help regarding the RAM disk. Thanks
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to delete a RamDisk   13 October 2016, 14:06

It is unclear from your message what exactly is happening: if your computer doesn't have disk storage, it cannot have Windows 8 or Linux.

Anyway, regardless of the unclear situation with your computer configuration, if you intend to use RAMDisk or any other software, you should:
  1. Put a disk into your computer (HDD, SSD, or any other compatible drive).
  2. Install an operating system on that disk.
  3. Download a RAMDisk software that is designed for that system. SoftPerfect RAM Disk is compatible with Windows only, so it cannot be used with Linux.
  4. Install the RAMDisk software on the disk and follow its manual to set it up correctly for your needs.

Please note: RAMDisk software is not a magical solution to be used in computers with no physical disks. Except for some rare highly-specialised devices, a disk of some sort is an essential component, and must be there for the computer to be usable. RAM Disk software is only a means of creating additional disk-like storage in RAM.

Regarding cell phone questions, I'm afraid it is not the area SoftPerfect is specialising in.

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