Ramdisk locked unwrittable after selecting save contents every 120 minutes

Started by Stevvie

If I select ' save contents to associated image" and select 120 minutes. After it unmounts and remounts, I can No longer Write to the ram disk and some folders become locked SoftPerfect support forum Is there a way to fix this. I have just tried beta 3.4 but thats the same.
I'm running Windows7 ultimate X64 on an I5 3750 with 16gb ram on an asus z77 extreme4 motherboard if that helps.
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Re: Ramdisk locked unwrittable after selecting save contents every 120 minutes   10 June 2013, 16:07

Is it possible to write anything to the disk at all, after this happens? Can you create a folder or save a file on it?

Also what file system did you use and what was the size of the image?

Ramdisk locked un writtable after selecting save contents ever 120 minutes   14 June 2013, 03:51

Yes I can write to files and make new folders on the disk.
FileSystem is fat32 (but also tried fresh drive with fat and ntfs with same results) and the size is 2048MB (but also tried 1024MB with the same resualts)
I've tried putting the RamDisk.svi file on my C:/ (ssd drive) D:/ (raid drive) E:/ (single 2tb drive) drives and they all give the same error

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