SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Can't create Image or disk

Started by Carlos


Can't create Image or disk   27 June 2013, 15:04

Windows XP 64. 16gb Ram. I bought Ramdisk months ago and used the product to create images and drives but lately when I try to create an image or drive the program freeze. When trying to close the program it wont respond and when I use Task Manager also wont respond and I had to reboot PC I can still use the saved images and disk but I can't create new ones. I installed the latest version on 6/27/13 with negative results. Suggestions please.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Can't create Image or disk   27 June 2013, 18:35

How large is the image you're trying to create? It may take a while.

Can't create Image or disk   29 June 2013, 00:10

From 1000 MB to 30000 MB which I have done before without problems.

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