Can't run RAM disk as Admin

Started by Avi


Can't run RAM disk as Admin   15 November 2013, 06:56


RAM Disk always says "You're running this application as a regular user and you cannot change any settings". I'm running it as admin. Tried right-click -> run as Administrator, tried to run from the elevated prompt, tried compatibility settings. All the same. Re-install does not help also.

Windows 8.1 x64, RAM Disk 3.4.2.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Can't run RAM disk as Admin   15 November 2013, 07:24

Try opening c:\ProgramData\SoftPerfect\RAMDiskWS\RAMDiskWS.xml and changing from
Then restart the computer.

Re: Can't run RAM disk as Admin   15 November 2013, 16:20

It works, thanks!
Dr. Anton Landsiedl

Re: Can't run RAM disk as Admin   30 November 2021, 02:22

I have the same Problem with a bought version and cant find the aformentioned file...

Regards, AL
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Can't run RAM disk as Admin   30 November 2021, 09:51

The above advice is 8 years old and was for a much older version. For the current version the file is
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\SoftPerfect\RAM Disk\ramdisk.xml

Please see "RAM Disk requires administrative privileges" article for more details.

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